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Line of apples and bows

Class Schedule

(Schedules are always subject to change throughout the year.)


First bell rings. Begin independent reading and AR tests..

7:45 Students are tardy if they come in after this bell.  Morning broadcast.
8:00 Reading Workshop
9:00 Math
10:00 Connections (Friday -Writing Workshop)
10:45 Spelling
11:05 Lunch
11:45 Recess
12:15 Mon. -Music, Tues. PE, Wed. - Art, Thurs. - Music, Fri. - PE
12:45 Mon. - Guidance, Wed. - Art
12:45 Language Arts/Writing Workshop (Tues - Thurs.) 
1:15 Social Studies/Science (Theme study)
2:25 Prepare to leave.
2:35 Begin dismissal

Line of apples and apple cores