Mrs. Large's Second Grade WebQuest Page

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Symbols, Customs and Traditions
(Use this link to find the following items.)

1.The country in which the original Santa Claus was born


2.The country that the tradition of having a Christmas tree comes from


3.The man who lit the first Christmas tree


4.The beautiful red flower that grows in Mexico and is used to decorate at Christmas


(Use this link to find the following items.)

5.The place many Australians have their Christmas dinner


6.The things that children in France leave by the fireplace on Christmas Eve


7.Where children from Holland believe Santa lives


8.What Irish people place in the windows on Christmas Eve for Joseph and Mary


9.The creature that hands out presents to children in Switzerland


(Use this link to find the following items.)

10.The name for Santa in England


11.The name for Santa in Brazil


12.The name for Santa in France


If you've answered all the questions get your teacher to check the answers. If they are correct you may click on the words MY REWARD.