Butterflies are very beautiful creatures. They make our earth a happier place to live,
but there is more to a butterfly than meets the eye. Just what kind of creature is a butterfly? Where do they live? How are
they born? During this webquest you will visit sites to find out the answer to these questions and many more.
During this webquest you will search the sites below to learn about the
life and behaviors of a butterfly. When you are finished you will use the information that you have found to write and illustrate
a report about butterflies.

THE PROCESS 1. First, a partner will be assigned to work with you. 2. Next, click on the
DIRECTIONS link to download and print the directions. 3. Read the directions carefully. They will guide
you through the sites and tell you what to look for. 4. You will click on the links below to visit sites about
butterflies and answer questions and take notes to learn more about the life and behaviors of butterflies. 5. You
will play games on line to test your knowledge, and you will print out a butterfly to color. 6. Last, you will
use your notes to write a 3 paragraph report and color your butterfly to share what you have learned. The directions will
tell you what to include in each paragraph.
Download and print the DIRECTIONS
Zoom Butterfly
Children's Butterfly Site
Kid Stuff